Engineering management & support 

MUTUM is specialized in Engineering management in machine&equipment building for foodprocessing. Our specialities are 

- Interim project support for your engineerings department  

- selection and introduction of new engineering management

- special projects in engineering, like value engineering, ETO to CTO/standaardisation etc. 

All work hard, nothing moves fast enough or in the right direction !

Do you have the right competences in your team ?

Increase your margin with less effort. 

MUTUM Starting points

Work in the target group not above  !. 

Proces analysis and optimisation during operational work, no fancy reports and no results.  

Also improve the connections of the processes in the environment of engineering. 

Anchoring of solutions in the organisation even if bad choices have to be made.

MUTUM objective

Make your customer successfull and you will be successfull !.